I got a coupon in the mail for a meal delivery services. A box arrives with all the ingredients, and you just mix and cook. I was almost ready to sign up for a trial, when I saw the phrase “sourced from sustainable ingredients.”
That was too much for me. This phrase has become a thorn in my side. It implies that some food is not sustainably grown. That plot of land will grow something this year, and never again! To heck with future generations, let’s live for the moment!
There is no industry that is more interested in sustainability than farming. Many acres have been farmed by the same family for generations, and may be farmed by the same family in future generations.
Farming relies on a long term plan. When we borrow money to purchase land, we borrow for 20, 25 or even 30 years. We don’t live day by day, or even year by year. We live generation by generation.
Farmers are always looking for ways to improve our environmental footprint, and keep our land productive for future generations. We want to produce the most output, with the least amount of input, and the smallest impact on the land. Every year we get a little better at what we’re doing.
Farming is sustainable. There is no alternative. I hope the label makes you laugh the next time you see it. If you have a chance, ask the company why their competitor’s product is not sustainable. Expect a few fancy buzzwords that mean nothing. Kind of like that sustainable label.