There were rows and rows of cash grain tables and I joked that if one ever came up for sale, I would buy it. Brian agreed, and it has been a long running joke about how we'd have to add onto the house when I get my table. It was a great joke, until it became a reality.
Now I had to get the table from Minneapolis to Stephen. I found the website and found a shipper. Of course he backed out (I guess that's pretty common on the site). The grain exchange wanted the tables gone by Nov 30, so I found another shipper who would haul the table to my aunt's garage in the suburbs, and eventually bring it to Stephen when he could fill his trailer.
For now, I have one of these pieces of history. I never dreamed I would actually own a table. Now I need wheat prices to rally enough to justify a new addition to my house, or a bigger office. You're welcome to come and visit this piece of history.